Category Archives: SAAD TUFAIL

Muhammadi Welfare Foundation At a Glance

Muhammadi Blood Banks, Thalassemia Centres, Laboratory Diagnostic Services and Institute of Hematology are the projects of Muhammadi Welfare Foundation that is registered through Society act 1860 with Government of Pakistan. Muhammadi Blood Bank (MBB) is providing safe blood services in Karachi, Thatta, Multan and Skardu. MBB is established two decades before with an aim to […]

Karachi Press Club Secretary Rizwan Bhatti visited MIHT

It should be noted that blood screening agreement was also signed between Muhammad Blood Bank and Karachi Press Club under which the process of free blood screening started for the members of the press club. Secretary Rizwan Bhatti appreciated the free blood Transfusion for thalassemia children by Muhammadi Welfare Foundation. On this occasion, he said […]