I am a wage labourer who has full responsibility of his family. My mother once had a massive heart attack and we took her to the nearest medical centre in our village, who told us to take her to NICVD on urgent basis. I didn’t have much money, however the doctors ensured me that they will operate on my mother, but they needed a very large quantity of blood for that. Thanks to Muhammadi Blood Bank, I received blood free of cost, which I repaid by donation of blood with the help of my family members. Thanks to Muhammadi, my mother’s operation went successfully and she is alive and healthy with us.
I am 28 years old and have to struggle day and night to meet my family’s needs. One day I was returning from my job site at Korangi when I got shot due to a fight going on between two parties. I was badly injured and taken to Jinnah Hospital on emergency basis, where my parents were told that I need a large quantity of blood to survive. It was the middle of the night and only Muhammadi Blood Bank was open, where my parents were able to arrange blood from, and thanks to Muhammadi’s 24/7 services, I am well and alive today.

After 10 years of marriage, we were blessed with a beautiful daughter by Almighty Allah. But when she turned two, we noticed she looked pale and unwell, and after examination and tests, we found out that she has Thalassemia and needed proper medication and attention to survive. We were traumatized by the news as we were short of funds as well. Then we got to know about the services of Muhammadi Thalasemia Centre, and since then they’ve given us hope that we can give our daughter a healthy life. We are really thankful to Muhammadi as they’re providing us with free treatment for our daughter, as well as free meals and transportation cost for us.