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How you can help us!!

Donations Zakat and Khums Donations Equipments Sponsor supportive treatment of Beta-thalassaemia major patients

Bank Al-Habib

Title of Account: Muhammadi Haemotology, Oncology Services & Welfare Foundation.
Bank Name: Bank Al-Habib.
Account Number: 1034-0081-015025-01-0.
Swift Code: BAHL PKKA.

Bank Al-Habib ( Multan )

Title of Account: Muhammadi Blood Bank.
Bank Name: Bank Al-Habib ( Multan ) .
Account Number: 0014-0081-002560-01-8.
Swift Code: BAHL PKKA

The Exemption Number 2 (36) RTO-II/ 2013 / 230 Dated: 22-7-2013 The Donor is entitled to tax credit in their assessment as per rate prescribed in section 61 of the income tax ordinance 2001 on the amount donated only through cross cheque. We are thankful to our donors who donated their time, knowledge, money, valuable advises and services that helped to convert the M.H.O.S.W.F from dreams to reality.